Wish They Were Here...?
When does an employee’s absence from work turn from an inconvenience to a problem? For most small businesses every employee is key, and even a single day’s absence can cause significant issues. The recent case of the Indian public official who was finally dismissed after 24 years unauthorised absence reminds us that hoping an absence situation will resolve itself eventually could lead to a very long wait!
Have you checked your attendance policy recently? Best practice suggests that a robust policy, implemented consistently, will ensure that absences are kept to a minimum. Ensuring managers and supervisors understand how the process works, and their role in implementing it promptly, firmly and fairly, is also critical to its success.
Being consistent about absence reminds employees how important attendance is, and can also help you spot any issues in the workplace that might be contributing to higher absence levels. ACAS report that days lost to sickness in the UK fell by around 25% between 1994 and 2012, largely due to clear policies and firm implementation.
Don’t let absence give you a headache. Get in touch and see how simple steps can bring big benefits.
Tagged as: Absence Management, Better HR
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