Are you up to date with new employment laws?
Have you reviewed your HR policies recently? Are they working for your business and delivering the engaged and motivated employees your business needs? Are they still compliant with employment law?
The new financial year saw several changes to employment law that could have a significant impact on your business. These include:
• The right to shared parental leave for mothers and fathers expecting a baby after 5th April 2015.
• Changes to qualifying periods for statutory adoption leave , and rates of pay during adoption leave, bringing provisions into line with maternity rights.
• A right to time off to attend up to 5 adoption appointments (2 for the secondary adopter).
• The age limit for unpaid parental leave has risen, meaning that any parent with a child aged under 18 years (was 5 years) can now request up to 3 months unpaid parental leave (this is a separate entitlement in addition to shared parental leave on the birth of a baby).
• A new “Fit for Work” service is introduced giving employers access to Occupational Health advice for all employees, and an OH assessment for individual employees after 4 weeks of sickness absence.
• Increases in rates of Statutory Maternity Pay, Ordinary Paternity Pay, Adoption Pay, and Statutory Sick Pay. Also increase to the limit for a week’s pay for calculating redundancy pay and employment tribunal claims.
We can offer you a full “HR Health Check” to ensure all your policies are up to date and compliant with the new requirements.
And we can also go further, by helping you refocus your policies so they really deliver for you, and training your managers to spot issues and use the appropriate policies to manage them fairly, consistently, and promptly, minimising risks to your business. Call 0790 2903086 for a no-obligation discussion.
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