What makes the difference between a workplace you want to stay in, and a workplace you can’t wait to leave? 
You might think that money and perks can make a bad job bearable, but most motivation theories tell us that financial benefits are only a short-term motivator. 
What works in the longer term is a real feeling of belonging, and being valued as an important part of the team. People who feel they are appreciated, treated with dignity, and respected as individuals at work tend to feel more connected to their organisations, work harder and are more inclined to be flexible when workload demands it. 
While there are lots of big, shiny initiatives you could take to improve how people feel about their workplace, most of these won't work if the basics aren't in place. Managers can make a big difference with some very simple behaviours. Here are seven easy actions that cost nothing, but tell your team that they matter. 
1. Saying “Good morning” and “How are you?” and actually listening to the response. 
2. Remembering team members' birthdays. 
3. Regularly making time for team members to talk to you. 
4. Remembering the names of a team member’s partner, children and pets. 
5. Openly inviting ideas and opinions from the team, and showing you are considering them seriously. 
6. Taking your turn on the tea/coffee run. 
7. Operating a fair “give and take” approach to working time. 
Do you want to get more from your team? We offer bespoke coaching packages for newly promoted and established managers to help you identify what is working well, and what is hindering your progress. Call us today to arrange a free initial consultation. 
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